Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti Disaster Relief Is Top U.S. Priority Right Now, Obama Says

The first wave of American search-and-rescue teams, disaster relief experts, military forces and supplies are at work in Haiti, beginning what President Obama says will be a massive U.S. relief effort in response to the January 12 earthquake, which caused losses that he called “nothing less than devastating.”
“None of this will seem quick enough if you have a loved one who’s trapped, if you’re sleeping on the streets, if you can’t feed your children. But it’s important that everybody in Haiti understand, at this very moment, one of the largest relief efforts in our recent history is moving towards Haiti,” the president told reporters at the White House January 14.
Obama said he told his national security team that Haiti “must be a top priority for their departments and agencies right now.” The moment calls for American leadership, he said, and “responding to a disaster of this magnitude will require every element of our national capacity — our diplomacy and development assistance, the power of our military and, most importantly, the compassion of our country.”
See complete article:

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