Monday, November 24, 2008

Ambassador Baxter visits a housing project at a displaced settlement near Montevideo

The organization Endeavor launched Entrepreneurship Week in Uruguay, which will take place November 17 through 23. Its main objective is to raise awareness of the importance of encouraging entrepreneurship with simultaneous activities in Montevideo and the interior of the country. Talks, workshops, symposiums, roundtables, conferences and awards ceremonies are just some of the activities that will take place during the course of the week.

A highlight of Entrepreneurship Week in Uruguay are the volunteers from over 50 businesses as they begin construction on 30 houses for the most needy families in the settlement of Independencia, located in the outskirts of Santiago Vázquez, near Montevideo. The plan, called Build with Your Enterprise, was created by the organization Un Techo para mi País (A Roof for My Country), which is led by young people from various countries of Latin America. These youthful volunteers take part in the construction of emergency housing for those living in settlements or temporary camps.

Ambassador Frank Baxter had the opportunity to visit the settlement at Santiago Vázquez on November 16, where he learned about the work being carried. While there, he spoke with the young volunteers as well as the families who will receive the housing. Ambassador Baxter has made it a priority to encourage entrepreneurship combined with a spirit of volunteerism. U.S. firms such as IBM and Weyerhaeuser, together with numerous Uruguayan companies, form part of this important social project.

Endeavor is a non-profit organization that aims to unleash young people’s enterprising ideas and promotes a culture of business entrepreneurship, contributing to the economic and social development in the countries it works in.

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