Friday, July 11, 2008

Virtual Enterprise Competition for Senior Public High School Students

Winning team will travel to the 2009 Free Enterprise Leadership Challenge in North Carolina

DESEM/Junior Achievement and the U.S. Embassy Montevideo are announcing this year's virtual enterprise competition for senior high school students from public institutions across Uruguay.
“Empresas Virtuales” – also known as Management & Economics Simulation Exercise – is a computer simulated program in which different companies must compete in the production and marketing of a product. Each group of students, composed of three participants, must create a company, give it a name, and expose it to competition. The different companies must “elaborate” a revolutionary product that involves a technological advance.
The objective of the program is to introduce 17 year old students from the public sector to the competitive market and to expose them to making business related decisions. The program also aims at providing the participants with the opportunity to interpret and analyze financial reports of a company, put into practice economic and administration concepts and make strategic decisions based on a deep analysis of the information.
The best six teams will compete “face to face” in an event to be held at the U.S. Embassy Montevideo, followed by an Awards Ceremony. The winning team will participate in the 2009 Free Enterprise Leadership Challenge organized by The Jesse Helmes Center at Wingate University, North Carolina.
The program will reach approximately 300 students throughout Uruguay. The competition will be between public high schools across the country through a web page specially designed for this game.
A group of volunteers from the U.S. Embassy will work as assessors giving advice, guiding the participants and transmitting their knowledge and experiences of the business world.
information and registration forms are available in Spanish on the embassy website.

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