Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Earth Day Celebration Fosters Students' Awareness

GLOBE activity taps into the creative talent of youngsters at a Montevideo school

To celebrate Earth Day 2008, Montevideo's public school Nº 85 “Republic of India” held a GLOBE activity involving a total of 80 primary education students. GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-based science and education program.
For the celebration, GLOBE-trained teacher Patricia Píriz organized a photography and plastic expression contest aimed at promoting among the students the awareness and feeling of belonging to their city and their planet. The theme of the contest was “MY NEIGHBORHOOD - MY EARTH”.
Students participating in the contest ranged between 9 and 13 years of age. They observed and showed, through plastic expression and photography techniques, the features of the day and night landscapes of the area where they reside. They submitted photographs, scale models and drawings in various techniques, showing an enormous enthusiasm in carrying out the project. Their families and school teachers also provided assistance in the development of the artistic productions.
The jury, comprised of representatives from the teacher and the student bodies, had to face the difficult task of choosing the winners among the many excellent contestants. The most voted productions were those submitted by students Daniel Fontana, Gonzalo Monzón, Víctor Blanco, Diana Fráppola, Irina Feria, Luna Rivero, Antonio Geriboni, Camila Cónsul, Camila Massa, Jimena Fernánadez, Florencia Zanelli, and Micaela Rótulo.
The experience was extremely positive and rewarding. The students worked in teams, exchanged ideas, and identified their favorite locations in their respective neighborhoods, green and urban areas. They observed the landscapes in great detail, and looked for personal, unique ways to portray them.
Based on the great interest expressed by everyone, the school intends to continue celebrating this event in the coming years.
Announced in 1994, GLOBE began operations on Earth Day 1995. Today, the international GLOBE network has grown to include representatives from 110 participating countries and 137 U.S. Partners coordinating GLOBE activities that are integrated into their local and regional communities. In Uruguay, 46 teachers have been trained be trained by the GLOBAL organization and 25 primary education schools have been formally appointed as GLOBE schools.

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