Thursday, April 17, 2008

Alliance for a Drug-Free Uruguay Unveils New Ad Campaign

A group of students from ORT University pose with U.S. Public Affairs officer Robert Zimmerman during the presentation of a new ad campaign by the Alliance for a Drug-Free Uruguay, held April 10, 2008.

The Alliance for a Drug-Free Uruguay (Alianza por un Uruguay sin Drogas) launched a new drug prevention ad campaign during a presentation held at the ORT University in Montevideo. The ads, prepared free of charge by Uruguayan PR experts, will target child drug abuse by encouraging parents to communicate with their children and talk about drugs. The campaign includes a parents' guide with tips on how to raise awareness in children of all ages including teenagers.
Several Uruguayan media outlets such as dailies, radio and TV, have donated space and air time to run the ads. The parent's guide, available online, will be distributed throughout the country in supermarkets, movie theatres and sporting events.

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