Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Video Contest

To commemorate the independences of the United States and Uruguay, the U.S. Embassy Montevideo has launched an online video contest inviting contestants to submit a three-minute video on the subject "Uruguay and the United States".
The contest is open to all interested parties. Entries can be submitted individually or in teams. More than one entry per person or team is allowed. The videos can be in Spanish or in English. The use of subtitles is encouraged. Videos containing unauthorized copyrighted material will be disqualified.
Contestants must submit their videos, no more than 3 minutes in length, directly to YouTube, as a response to the promotional video of the contest: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qU14W4vqNA.
A panel of renowned experts in communications will be selected to judge the entries. The winner, to be announced as soon as the panel has reached a decision, will be awarded a high definition digital video camera.
The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, August 25, 2009, Uruguay's Independence Day.