Wednesday, April 15, 2009

U.S. Electric System Begins Long Transformation to a Smart Grid

Following the lead of some European and Pacific Rim nations, U.S. government technical and regulatory agencies, electric utilities, energy service providers and private companies are working to turn the nation’s century-old electric power grid into a 21st-century “smart grid”.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obama to Allow More Travel, Money Transfers to Cuba

Actions intended to reach out directly to the Cuban people
The United States will allow Cuban Americans unlimited travel and money transfers to family in Cuba, the White House says.
Cuban Americans may also send clothes, personal hygiene items, seeds, fishing gear and other personal necessities to family members in Cuba. Businesses will be able to obtain licenses to sell cellular telephones, television services and other telecommunications devices to Cubans, with family members in the United States allowed to pay for them, the White House said.
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Economic Crisis Top Item on Summit of the Americas Agenda

The fifth Summit of the Americas to be held in Trinidad and Tobago, April 17–19
One of the central issues confronting the 34 leaders of the Western Hemisphere is that the economic gains so hard won over the past six years are being threatened by the downturn in the global economy, says the White House adviser for the April 17–19 Summit of the Americas.
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United States Hosts 32nd Meeting of Antarctic Treaty Nations

Historic Antarctic Treaty, Arctic Council joint session launches meeting
At a critical time for the Antarctic Peninsula, which scientists say is one of the fastest-warming places on Earth, and the increasing loss of summer ice in the Arctic Ocean, the first joint session of officials representing the Antarctic Treaty and the Arctic Council convened April 6 in Baltimore.
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Monday, April 6, 2009

United States to Seek Membership on U.N. Human Rights Council

U.S. Ambassador Rice says Human Rights Council must be balanced
The United States believes that working within the U.N. Human Rights Council is the best way to improve the council’s goal of thwarting global human rights abuses, says the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
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Friday, April 3, 2009

Doubling Financial Resources for Agricultural Development

Obama calls on Congress to increase support for developing countries

Obama Calls G20 Summit a Turning Point for Recovery

U.S. increases foreign assistance globally across social, economic sectors
President Obama says the G20 Summit is a turning point in the pursuit of global economic recovery.
“The London Summit was historic. It was historic because of the size and scope of the challenges we face and because of the timeliness and magnitude of our response,” Obama said at an April 2 press conference following the daylong summit in London’s Docklands section along the Thames River.

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